Miklós, Béla Dálnoki (1890–1948)

Army officer and politician. Miklós was deputy head of Governor Miklós Horthy’s military bureau in 1929–33 and then military attaché in Berlin until 1936. He was promoted general in 1939, and in 1944 commanded the 1st Hungarian Army with the rank of colonel general. After the abortive Hungarian attempt on October 15, 1944 to withdraw from the war, Miklós and his staff went over to the Soviets. He was invited to head the Provisional National Government and was prime minister from December 22, 1944 until November 1945. Elected to Parliament for the › Hungarian Independence Party in the 1947 blue chits elections, he and his party’s other members were illegally deprived of their seats in November. Thereafter, he withdrew completely from public life.

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This page was created: Monday, 8-Dec-2003
Last updated: Tuesday, 9-Dec-2003
Copyright © 2003 The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

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