Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti tá! (Szabad magyar választást!) [Tatitatititatiti. Free elections in Hungary! Documents on the 1956 Hungarian revolution conserved by Imre Olsvai, a student of the Conservatoire in Budapest]
Internet content in Hungarian. Edited by János Rainer M., Judit Topits. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2015

Visszaemlékezé – Személyes történetek a XX. századból. [ – Personal stories from the XX. century]
Internet content in Hungarian. Project leader and editor in chief: Katalin Somlai. Editor: Zsuzsanna Kőrösi, Adrienne Molnár, Katalin Somlai, Judit Topits. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2015

Antall József búvópatakja, 1956–1989 [József Antall's sinking stream 1956-89]
Internet content in Hungarian. Edited by János Rainer M. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2013

100 éve született Donáth Ferenc [Centenary of Ferenc Donáth's birth]
Internet content in Hungarian. Edited by János Rainer M., Zsuzsanna Kőrösi, Judit Topits. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2013

Száz éve született Dudás József (1912–1957) [Centenary of József Dudás's birth (1912–1957)]
Internet content in Hungarian. Edited by János Rainer M., Judit Topits. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2012

Petőfi Kör-dosszié (1956. május-október) [Anniversary: The Petőfi Circle is 55 years old (1956 May- October]

Internet content in Hungarian. Editors: János Rainer M., Judit Topits. Oral history: Zsuzsanna Kőrösi, Katalin Somlai. Bibliography: László Győri. Photo selection: Judit Topits, Zsuzsanna Kőrösi, Réka Sárközy, Katalin Somlai. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2011

Magyar Füzetek (Párizs, 1978-1988) [Hungarian Booklets (Paris 1978-1988)]
Internet content in Hungarian. Editors: János M. Rainer and Judit Topits. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2011

Bibó 100 – Dokumentumok [Bibó 100 – Documents]
Internet content in Hungarian. Editors: János Kenedi, Judit Topits. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2011

890616 - Egy nap anatómiája [890616 - The Day of Anatomy]
Internet content in Hungarian. Editors: János M. Rainer and Judit Topits, Project leader: Zoltán Lux. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2009

Fotográfus életművek feldolgozása [Hungarian Photographers' Collections]
Internet content in Hungarian. Project leader: Orsolya Danó, Zoltán Lux. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2008

Egy eddig ismeretlen forrás: Nagy Imre és a tüntetők küldöttsége a Parlamentben 1956. október 23-án [New evidence: Imre Nagy and the protesters' delegation in the Parliament Building on October 23, 1956]
Internet content in Hungarian. Edited by János Rainer M., Judit Topits. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2008

Ötvenhat az ötvenediken [Fifty-six on the Fiftieth]
Internet content offering a critical review of the publications for the fiftieth anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
Editors: János M. Rainer and Judit Topits, Project leader: Zoltán Lux. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2007

The 1956 Revolution in the World Press
Internet content in English. Editor in chief: Judit Topits, executive editor: János Tischler. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2007

Irodalom a forradalomban [Literature in the Revolution] In Hungarian.
Internet content in Hungarian. The fourth content in our Jubilee Internet Series. Editor in chief: Judit Topits, executive editor: Éva Standeisky. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2006

Az 1956-os forradalom a világsajtóban [The 1956 Revolution in the World Press]
Internet content in original languages. The third content in our Jubilee Internet Series Editor in chief: Judit Topits, executive editor: János Tischler. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2006

Magyar diákok Ausztriában 1956–57 [Hungarian Students in Austria in 1956-7 ]
Internet content in Hungarian. The second content in our Jubilee Internet Series Editor in chief: Judit Topits, executive editor: András Lénárt. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2006

Budapesti felkelő csoportok [Budapest insurgent groups]
Internet content in Hungarian. The first content in our Jubilee Internet Series Edited by László Eörsi and Judit Topits. Budapest: 1956-os Institute, 2006

Magántörténelem – 1956 és a Kádár-korszak [Private history 1956 and the Kádár period] 
Internet content in Hungarian and in English. Project leader: Zoltán Lux and Adrienne Molnár. Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2004

Hungary 1944–1953,
Internet history book in Hungarian.  Edited by János Rainer M., Zoltán Lux. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2003

Magyarország 1944-1956. Európa közepén – Magyarország a jelenkorban [Hungary 1944–56. In the Centre of Europe–Hungary in the Present Period]
The 1956 Institute Multimedia CD–ROM Series No. 2 in Hungarian. Edited by Pál Germuska, Zoltán Lux and János Rainer M. Budapest:1956 Institute, 2001, 7990 Ft

1956. A magyar forradalom és szabadságharc enciklopédiája 1956. október 6–december 12.
CD-Rom in Hungarian. Edited by András Hegedűs B., Pál Germuska and Zoltán Lux. Budapest: 1956 Institute 1999, 5000 Ft